An open Bible


Jesus Christ, who is God in human flesh, came to save his people from their sins, to give them life, and to lead them each day. Through faith in Jesus, we can enter into a living relationship with God, know his love, and experience the forgiveness of sins and newness of life.

What We Believe About Who God Is

  • God is Triune. We believe there is one God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • God is the creator. God created all things and created mankind, male and female, in his own image.
  • God is Sovereign. God the Father has set Jesus Christ as King with all authority over all of creation.
  • God’s Word is True. God has spoken through His word, the Bible, without error and His word will not fail.
  • God Saves. God promised through the Old Testament to send a Savior. Jesus is the Savior. Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, was born of the virgin, Mary, lived a sinless life, was nailed to a cross, suffered the wrath of God to pay for the sins of his people, died and was buried, rose again from the dead on the third day, appeared to his disciples and many witnesses, and ascended into heaven where he is presently seated at the right hand of the Father.
  • God is Just. He will raise the dead, judge the living and the dead, punish the wicked, and reward His people with His own presence.

What We Believe About Who We Are

  • We are part of the body of Christ. Jesus is gathering His people today from every nation, tribe, people and language into His church. As the family of families, we serve and worship Him together.
  • We are sinners. All mankind fell into sin in our first father, Adam, and now experiences God’s wrath and curse.
  • We are saved by grace. All who confess their sin and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved.
  • We are empowered by the Holy Spirit who applies Jesus’ work and changes people. The Holy Spirit has been poured out on the people of God because of Jesus’ finished work.
  • We are called to strive for holiness. Good works do not merit salvation, but they are a necessary part of salvation in the life of the Christian and the church.
The blue banner of the RP Church with the church's motto: "For Christ's Crown and Covenant"

Learn more!

We adhere to the Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, which is based on the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Take a look at these standards and other resources available at the denominational website for the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America.

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